NileWell is a platform that fosters collaboration between environmental researchers, scientists and journalists looking to connect, share research and data, and build their capacity and knowledge in science and data-based journalism.
Critical transboundary issues around water access and availability continue to rise around the River Nile. Often journalists in the Nile countries seek to uncover stories of impact, but face challenges in accessing factual and up-to-date research necessary to compile compelling reports for decision making.
Who Can Join?
Water and Environment Journalist
As a journalist on the platform, you can connect directly with scientists as credible sources for your environment stories and investigations.
Browse the library of published and up to date scientific reports on issues around the RiverNile.
Join our Network
Water and Environment Scientist/Researchers
As a scientist/ researcher on the platform, upload and share your research and publications. (Note you'll need to be a registered member on this platform)
Connect directly with journalists to share your work and be featured in media reports and coverage.
Access tools and resources on media relations.
Join the network and be the first to learn about our story grants opportunities and participate in our training and mentorship programmes, meant to equip journalists and scientists with skills on how to use data to tell compelling stories and present scientific data.